Best of Omaha 2023 Voting Starts Today

Voting is simple – VOTE HERE or use the button bellow and you’ll be taken to the Best of Omaha Voting registration page.  Simple enter your name and email address and you’ll be sent an email from Omaha Magazine with your own unique link to vote.  Here is the information you’ll see after registering:

Voting is simple.

  1.  Register using the link or button in this email.
  2. Check your email and click the link.
  3. Vote for a minimum of five categories.
  4. Click the “I’m Done Voting” button to submit your vote.


  • Voting runs between July 1 and August 20, 2022.
  • You must vote for a minimum of 5 categories.

You can even chose to receive a free one year subscription to Omaha Magazine which includes the Best Of results issue.

And you will be voting for a minimum of 5 categories.  If you vote for us in any categories, we really appreciate it, but be sure to vote us BEST FRENCH FRIES.

Key Points:

  • The voting system works best on a desktop, laptop, or tablet, but will also work on a smartphone.

  • If you don’t receive your voting link email, check your spam folder for an email from

  • Only one vote per email, but you may return as often as you like to add to, or modify, your ballot.

  • Results will be announced in our annual Best of Omaha results issue in mid-November 2022.